Orengo Kicks Out ‘Troublesome’ Deputy Governor

MH Reporter

Siaya Deputy Governor Mr. William Oduol has been impeached.

Oduol was impeached on Monday, May 29 after Member of County Assemblies voted to kick him out.

Oduol has not a very rosy relationship with his boss Governor James Orengo.

The motion was tabled by the East Asembo Ward MCA Gordon Onguru.

In the motion, Oduol was accused of gross misconduct.

A total of 38 MCAs voted to kick Oduol out of office.

He will become the first deputy governor to be impeached after August 2022 General Election.

Governor James Orengo, being a lawyer of great mind, seems to be doing everything by the book to ensure Oduol is legally and permanently kicked out of office.

There are claims that Oduol is in bed with President William Ruto’s UDA to destabilise Siaya. The claims are not yet proven.

On his part, Oduol claims he is being fought for fighting corruption in Siaya county.

Meanwhile, Oduol has also been expelled from Orange democratic Party by the Siaya delegates.