Kenyans Attack Moses Kuria Over Khartoum Bombing Request

MH Reporter

Trade Cabinet Secretary Hon Moses Kuria must be wondering what devil came over him and his Twitter pen.

Kuria tweeted an inflammatory message that has attracted widespread condemnation by everyone including the fiery Miguna Miguna and the Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Office.

Kuria had said: “The Susan lesson is simple. The community of nations should militarily invade any country where armies overthrow government. Appeasement does not pay off. Military juntas do not become democrats simply because of false principle of non-interference. The AU can Marshall a strong enough army to bomb Khartoum to smithereens.”

His tweet was responded to by the PS Foreign Office Mr. Korir Sing’Oei who said:

“The personal views expressed by Moses Kuria do not represent government policy on this complex and challenging issue. We continue to work with all parties towards peaceful resolution of the Sudan Crisis.”

Here is what others said about Kuria’s careless tweet.

Miguna Miguna: ‘This mature, responsible and timely statement by Singoei Korir is commendable. CS Moses Kuria’s reckless and inflammatory utterances on the Sudan crisis must be condemned sternly.

Katunda Kingangi: President William Ruto shouldn’t keep Moses Kuria in office ,he is going to bring more trouble to us. He needs to fire with immediate effect.

Gabriel Oguda:  Foreign Affairs PS Dr Korir Sing’oei puts Trade Minister Moses Kuria live on blast, over the Minister’s foot-in-mouth comment over the Sudan crisis. We will be there no matter what.

Wachira: “CS Moses Kuria should know that he is no longer the MP for Gatundu South but is now a Cabinet Secretary of the Kafmen of Kenya. His statements are now considered Government policy. He should refrain from making incendiary statements especially on issues touching on Foreign…”