Family Says Bright Daughter Didn’t Kill Self in Boyfriend’s House


The family of 29-year-old Brenda Kawira has denied police report that their daughter who was about to travel to Australia for her Masters’ died by suicide.

According to the accounts by the police, and her boyfriend, Kawira died after jumping from 50 feet at her boyfriend’s house in Kasarani estate.

The incident was reported to have happened on February 21, 2023, at 11:30pm.

The family has vehemently denied the reports, and now want the matter investigated afresh.

Brenda was buried on March 12, 2023, at her parent’s home in Meru County.

Her boyfriend was the only witness.

According to the boyfriend, they had had a fight while heading to their bedroom, at which Brenda, in her anger, walked to the balcony of the house and jumped from the fourth floor.

Brenda was a bright girl

Brenda who was studying medical biochemistry, graduated from the University of Nairobi in September 2021 with a first-class honour.

In her quest to become a geneticist, she had applied and won a scholarship to study in Australia – and was due to travel abroad in June, 2023.

At the time of her death, she was working at a Nairobi-based pharmaceutical company.

According to the family, the police only relied on the boy’s testimony to conclude that the girl had jumped to her death.

“I went to check for her in the sitting room, kitchen and in other rooms and she was nowhere to be seen. I then decided to go to the balcony and I saw her body sprawled on the ground floor,” the boyfriend had told the police.

An autopsy revealed the cause of death as ‘internal bleeding’.

There is a feeling that the police report and the autopsy do not agree on logic.