3 Kalenjin Teachers ‘Fired’ for Shouting ‘Serikali ni Yetu’

MH Reporter

Three teachers have been interdicted by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for being unruly and disorderly in school.

According to a letter of interdiction seen by Mwanahabari.co.ke the three were drunk.

The letter states that the three stormed a school kitchen and ate food meant for other teachers – while shouting ‘Serikali ni Yetu’ (the government is ours).

The three are accused of eating the juiciest parts of chicken that had been prepared for board members who were attending a meeting.

They also helped themselves to bananas kept in the safety of the Principal’s office – while still chanting ‘The government in ours’.

The letter read in part:

“I am directed by the Teachers Service Commission to say that it is alleged that you have breached Clause C (III) and (IV) of the Third Schedule of the Act.

Consequently, you are hereby interdicted with effect from 22/5/2023.

The three have been asked to make their defences before the commission’s disciplinary sitting.

The teachers will now forfeit their annual leave, and report to their nearest TSC sub-county office once a month.

The three are said to have chanted ‘Serikali ni Yetu’ in front of the board members.

The interdiction letter written by the TSC Deputy District Director W O Mosigis.