Live Blog: Kiambaa Decides as Jubilee Candidate Leads in Muguga

Result that have come in so far show that Jubilee candidate Joseph Githinji is ahead in Muguga.

The provisional results in the Muguga ward by-election show that the Uhuru Kenyatta candidate is leading UDA candidate  Peter Thumbi with.

Githinji is leading with 2,973 votes followed by Thumbi who has garnered 2,354 votes. The results are from 20 out of 29 polling stations in the ward.

The election is seen as a make or break for President Uhuru Kenyatta who is battling to show his supremacy in Central Kenya. The results will jolt politics in Mt Kenya and beyond.

Reports coming in indicate that UDA is a head in Kiambaa ward.

Earlier in the morning, Kipipiri MP Amos Kimunya was confronted by a group of young people who accused him of trying to influence voters in Kiambaa by-election. KImunya denied the accusations.

Kiambaa – 12:00am

Kiambaa Parliamentary By-election Reporting for 103/154 polling stations

Wanjiku John Njuguna (UDA) 13,971

Njama Kariri (Jubilee) 13,594

Kiambaa – 12:20am

Provisional results Kiambaa Constituency, reporting 112/154:

John Njuguna Wanjiku (UDA)-15,235

Kariri Njama (JP)-15,029

Kiambaa latest – 12:35am

Provisional results Kiambaa Constituency, reporting 117/154

John Njuguna Wanjiku (UDA)-15,910

Kariri Njama (JP)-15,817

Kiambaa Latest – 12:50am

Provisional results Kiambaa Constituency, reporting 118/154:

John Njuguna Wanjiku (UDA)-16,109

Kariri Njama (JP)-15,928

Latest update 1:00 am

Kiambaa by-election update – 122/154 polling stations:

1. John Njuguna Wanjiku (UDA) – 16,862 votes

2. Kariri Njama (Jubilee Party) – 16,405 votes

3. Evans Gichia (Peoples Party of Kenya) – 56 votes

Latest update 1:13 am

Kiambaa by-election update – 127/154 polling stations:

1. John Njuguna Wanjiku (UDA) – 17,552 votes

2. Kariri Njama (Jubilee Party) – 17,169 votes

3. Evans Gichia (Peoples Party of Kenya) – 59 votes

Latest update 1:21 am

Provisional results Kiambaa Constituency, reporting 131/154:

John Njuguna Wanjiku (UDA)-18,401

Kariri Njama (JP)-17,615

More to Follow….

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