Single Police Girls Worried Civilian Men Don’t Hit on Them


There is no shortage of hot female police officers in Kenya looking to settle down with civilian men – as husband and wife.

There is however, some element of subliminal fear residing in the hearts of most civilian men. One wonders why?

Arnold Osinde is an engineer at a road construction company. His wife is a police officer, and often carries her gun to the house.

Osinde says that just like in any normal marriage, there are days when all they do is look at each other with pursed lips reminiscent of two dogs fighting over some juicy bone-marrow.

“There are days when we argue in the house, but I am always careful because you never know what she can do with that gun. You understand emotions can get the better of anyone, and that is why we have had cases of couples shooting each other,” Osinde told Mwanahabari adding that he does not really fear his wife just because she is a trained officer.

“At first people, my friends especially, would ask how I was coping, wondering if I would even raise a voice or hand at her. But she is a nice lady, the mother of my children, and she respects me as her husband,” he says.

Although many police officers often marry each other there are those that end up marrying civilians and their marriages work just fine.

Osinde’s wife, who declined to reveal her name because of her nature of work as a police officer, said that she is not a policeofficer in the house, but a wife, a mother.

“Yes I carry the sometime gun, and I am a highly trained and specialised officer, but I don’t bring that to the house,” she said.

According to her, civilian men tend to shy away from marrying female police officers.

“A man will meet, like you, and even take you out on a date, but when they realise that you are an officer of the law, they run as fast as their legs can carry them. ”

“I think this is unfair to the women officers. Who said we must marry fellow officers?” she asks.

Asked if he would consider marrying a policewoman, Antony Njoroge, a teacher in Nairobi said the following.

“I think there is that element of fear… that comes with the fact that she is an officer of the law therefore immune to feelings. Let’s say I would only consider if this is a woman I knew before she even joined uniformed forces,” says Njoroge.

There are instances of police couples; both the man and the woman are trained officers.  Most of the love is brewed at the Administration Police Training College, Kenya Police College or General Service Unit Training School.

It is during training these trainings that rookie officers start clandestine relationships which end up in marriage.