President Ruto Picks Billionaire Alliance Boys Kid to Chair CBK Board

MH Reporter

President William Ruto has nominated Andrew Mukite Musangi as the Chairperson of the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK).

Musangi once approved will replace Mohammed Nyaoga whose tenure at the big bank ended on June 17.

Musangi is the son-in-law to late billionaire Chris Kirubi. He is married to Kirubi’s daughter Mary-Anne Wambui Kirubi Musangi.

Mr. Musangi is an advocate of the High Court and serves as Senior Consultant at LJA Associated LLP.

He is a managing partner of the Mukite Musangi & Company Advocates and a member of the Law Society of Kenya and of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association.

As a trained lawyer, his 27-year-old practice has focused mainly on litigation and commercial practice.

Mr Musangi obtained his Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Hull (UK) in 1993 and was admitted as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya in 1995.

Ruto and Musangi previously worked in Jubilee Party together – with Musangi serving as national election board chairman for the party.

Musangi is worth Sh1.2 billion.