MH Reporter
The country is currently engulfed of the story of controversial Pastor Paul Mackenzie him of the infamous Shakahola village in Kilifi County.
The story of Mackenzie has our haws hitting the floor after over 50 bodies of his followers were found buried inside a forest. Meanwhile, over 112 have been reported missing.
Is Kenya a country of religious fanaticism?
Many will remember the story of David Mugo, the first known Kenyan to have crucified himself to mark the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

David would crucify himself every Easter – and would only talk to ordained Bishops from his cross.
David did this to imitate Jesus Chris, the son of God who is believed to have died on the cross over 2,000 years ago.
Just like Jesus refused to talk to the Roman centurions who arrested Him, Mugo would refuse to answer questions from police officers from Mombasa.
To him, the police were the exact replica of the Roman Centurion of old.
David Mugo would nail himself on the cross using 23-inch nails in the Kibarani area of Mombasa – creating a scene – with nothing on his body save for a towel covering his privates.
In his free time, David worked as an artist and hawker.
In April 1987, Mugo was successfully crucified for the second time on a wooden cross. His crucifixion, unlike that of Jesus Christ, was done by his friends whom he would beg to nail him on the Msalaba.
The police would later ‘un-crucified’ him.
Then aged 30 years, Mugo was charged with ‘attempted suicide.’
He would later say that his crucifixion was a way of thanking God after he survived a road accident in 1979 that killed 20 passengers.
He would later demand that the place of his crucifixion be preserved as a sacred shrine and a mosque or church built on it.