People who do body art, particularly tattoos, have self esteem issues.
Well, that is the ‘gospel’ according to Father Charles Kinyua.
“Tatoos do not add any value or beauty; they only mess up a beautiful body,” says the priest popularly known as Father CK.
He added that tattoos have a shelf life and that they tend ugly as one advances in years and the skin starts to sag.
“When you have saggy skin, and you have tattoos, your body looks like that of a toad,” he said.

Father CK made popular by his only sermons, hosted on the Facebook page ‘Father Kinyua Online Congregation’, painted a graphic image of women who do tattoos on their boobs.

“Women will tell you that when they grow old, the breast will sag,” says the priest, who due the vows of celibacy he took, is not supposed to see the naked body of a woman.
“So you can imagine, matiti mazee na tatoo…eeeeiiii!”
He also took issue with people who pierce their bodies.
“There are people who pierce every part of their body, including the nose, making them look like bulls,” says Father Kinyua.

Although he said he had no ill-will against people who do tattoos and body piercing, he nevertheless maintained they will take him nowhere.
“Let me tell you that without the piercings, the human body has enough holes. Adding more holes does not make you look beautiful; it makes you look weird.”
Although he said he had no ill-will against people who do tattoos and body piercing, he nevertheless maintained they will take him nowhere.