Godfrey Migwi: Raila Supporters Say Death of Ruto’s Bishop is The Work of Karma


Just as he lived a life of controversy, Bishop Godfrey Migwi has exited the world in a blaze of controversy.

When news broke, early on Thursday morning that Bishop Migwi, who heads House of Hope in Kayole, was no more, social media exploded, not with the usual solemn RIPs, but with condemnations, counter condemnations and bitter attacks; all surrounding controversial statements he made while alive.

Well, the man of the cloth was living the dual identity of a pastor and politician.

He never shied off from speaking what was in his mind. Bishop Migwi also had expressed interest in vying for the Mathioya parliamentary seat, in Muranga, on a UDA ticket.

It is his frenzied support of Deputy President William Ruto that rubbed those on the opposite side the wrong way.

Prophesied Odinga’s death

Not just content with supporting the ambitions of DP Ruto, Bishop Migwi went out of his way to direct virulent attacks towards President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Handshake partner, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

He however, dedicated his worst barbs to Raila Odinga. Naturally, just as it obtains in the Kenyan political scene, supporters of President Kenyatta and Mr Odinga gave back to the man of the cloth and good as he dished out.

The Bishop is alleged to have ‘prophesied’ that Odinga, who is also eyeing the presidency in 2022, would be dead before then.
It is this alleged ‘prophesy’ has largely informed the online skirmishes between supporters of DP Ruto and those of the Handshake project.


Ruto’s supporters fall under the Tanga tanga wing of politics, while those of the Handshake are generally classified under Kieleweke.

The gist of Kieleweke’s message is that by wishing death on the former prime minister, Bishop Migwi made himself fair game for their current attacks.

‘He wished death on Raila Odinga, now he has gone ahead of him’, Kieleweke guys have been saying all day.

Tanga tanga have been hitting back, saying that it is wrong for Kieleweke to speak ill of the dead, saying that the bishop has left behind a family that will be hurt by the online attacks.

To this, Kieleweke reminded Tanga tanga that Bishop Migwi routinely spoke ill of Uhuru and Odinga’s fathers, both of who are deceased.

Photoshopped mages

‘Have you just realised, with Migwi’s death, that the dead ought to be respected?’ Kieleweke shot back, pointing out hypocrisy on the part of Tanga tanga.

The bishop is also reported to have posted a photoshopped image allegedly depicting Odinga inside a witchdoctor’s shrine, apparently to reinforce the narrative by DP Ruto that the former prime minister is a mganga.

Bishop had told all that cared to listen that he was kicked out of a radio show on the Kenyatta family-owned Kameme FM, due to his unrelenting criticism of the president.

The fact that the bishop had the Deputy President has all along chosen to turn a blind eye to the activities and utterances of Bishop Migwi, to Kieleweka, shows complicity, even tacit approval.

Fashioned biblical response

On the political front DP Ruto is regularly assailed with attacks of being corrupt. Bishop Migwi is on record as having fashioned a biblical response to accusations of the DP being a thief.

Quoting the bible, he said that it is better a thief who brings his loot to the church. DP Ruto is a generous contributor to churches across the country.
The Deputy President mourned the bishop as a bold, vocal and powerful spiritual leader with a great sense of humour. “He was a mentor and friend with firm pastoral faith that he infused to many of us,” added Ruto.

The bishop’s support was on another level

There are many pastors who support the different political outfits in the country, but few went to the levels Bishop Migwi exhibited.

As to whether he deserves the kind of treatment he has received in death, well he can only be judged through the lenses of how he carried himself while alive.

Charles Njonjo once quipped that politics, in Kenya, is a dirty game. Bishop Migwi played dirty and he got dirt in return.