Madina: Why I am Divorcing Hassa Joho After 11 Years of Marriage


The first wife of Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho has moved to court to have their marriage dissolved.

Madina Giovanni – the estranged wife of the flamboyant governor moved to the Mombasa Chief Kadhi court on January 26, 2022.

Madina (who is half Italian and half Somali) has been living separately with Joho for the past nine years has told the court that their marriage has broken beyond repair.

She said in the divorce papers that she separated from Joho in 2013 – and have not been living together ever since.

“I am clear and unequivocal that our marriage has broken down irretrievably with no chance of revival, given we have both moved on over the years,” reads part of the documents.

Madina and Joho have married in 2011 and were blessed with two children currently aged nine and eight years.

In the papers, Madina claims that Joho walked out of their matrimonial home nine years ago, leaving her and the children.

She says she stuck around until 2020 when she decided to leave the home together with the children.

Joho has 14 days to respond to the matter currently sitting in court.