Two Suspected Thieves Nabbed, Beaten Mercilessly


Two suspected thieves in Kakamega County are nursing serious injuries after they were lynched by an irate mob after they were caught with stolen household items.

The two, residents of Elukaka village of Lurambi sub county were found inside their house with items believed to have been stolen from residents of a neighboring village.

According to Sophia Mukabana, a resident who claims to have been robbed, she was informed by a neighbor about her lost belongings that were seen being packed inside a pickup ready for transportation from the home of one of the suspects.

Chairs and beds

“She had seen a car enter the suspects’ compound, they were loading the items ready to transport them, among the items were my chairs and beds.” Noted Mukabana.

“With the help of the neighbors, we raided the compound and found some of my belongings, they had been stolen several months ago.” She added.

The suspects were confronted, frog matched, and beaten mercilessly by the angry mob

The duo escaped death narrowly after they were rescued by police in a nick of time from the hands of the agitated mob which was beckoning for their blood.

Awaiting trial

Confirming the incident, area village elder Esther Kwatera said the two were being held at Kakamega police station waiting for trial as the search for the two other escapees began.

“I have been warning them repeatedly, little did they hear,” She said.

Area residents have lamented over increased cases of robbery in their area pointing up a blaming finger to police officers for releasing suspects in mysterious ways immediately after their arrest.

“Criminals have formed a friendship with police, whenever they are arrested, they are released in mysterious ways,” said Nathan Mmbayia.

“We want those officers to be shuffled,” he added.

In recent days, residents of the area have been complaining about the loss of their belongings including livestock such as cattle and goats while more than 10 tables, chairs, and beds were found inside the suspects’ house.