Governor Travels Secretly To Rescue Maasai Girl in Abu Dhabi

Lillian Rimanto has finally returned home to Kenya after being stuck in Abu Dhabi, the Capital City of United Arab Emirates (UAE) for eight months.
The 23 year old girl from Kajiado arrived back in Kenya after after trying through thick and thin to return back home for eight straight months.
According to Ms Rimanto, her personal belongings and identification documents were confiscated by her rogue employer making her return back to Kenya an up hill task.
It has now emerged that Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku last month secretly visited Dubai to negotiate her evacuation to Kenya.
Rimanto went to UAE last year and had only worked for one year before she fell out with her employer, forcing her to run away from her employer and seek refuge in a locality where several Kenyans live.
Straight to the governor’s office
After Governor Lenku worked around her evacuation, he paid for her air ticket, enabling her to arrive in the country today.
Immediately after arrival, Rimanto, accompanied by her sister Lorna Lemayian and aunt Peninah Soila headed straight to the Governor’s office in Kajiado town where she was received and welcomed back to the country before they headed to her home in Oloitokitok.
” I see a brave girl who had managed to venture out of the country at 22 years. She has survived all the horrors and she is now back.We are happy that we have managed to return her safely.It is a big relief to us,” said Governor Lenku.
Soila said their efforts to evacuate the girl had hit a deadlock until the Governor intervened and secretly travelled to Dubai on a mission to rescue her.
” We had two options.To get Lillian back to Kenya alive or as a corpse. We are elated that she has come safe and healthy.It is a blessing to us and we thank the Governor for coming out strongly for our family,” said Soila.