Lawyer Esther Ang’awa selling portrait to help sick grandmother

Lawyer Esther Ang’awa on Saturday, July 24 put a beautiful portrait show owns on sale to help raise money for the treatment of her grandmother who contracted COVID-19.

The budding lawyer who back in the day used to farm watermelon in the village said she resorted to selling the portrait because the family has no money to cater for the expensive treatment.

Ang’awa hit the national headlines a few weeks ago during the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Appeal submissions where she exhibited sheer brilliance and in-depth understanding of law despite her young age.

The Law Society of Kenya counsel tweeted a photo of the beautiful portrait which she owns, but now intends to sell to her grandmother.

She also tugged economist David Ndii in her message, noting:

“Dr David Ndii, requesting to plug into your #MadeinKenyaChallenge with this work of art (Lake Magadi on canvas) by Rich Allela,” tweeted the lawyer.

The original price of the art piece of art was $810 (KSh 87,665) – and will have to be sold at a higher price.

“He’s permitted me to auction it to raise funds for my grandma’s hospital bill (she’s 80 and almost beating C-19),” wrote Ang’awa.

“Starting at $810 (KSh 87,665), it’s the initial price,” she added. The portrait is titled The Lone Maasai, with its location being Lake Magadi, Kenya. It measures 24 by 36 inches, and it is a photo on a fine art canvas.

Esther’s grandmother is 80 years old.