Is Kimani Ngunjiri The Deadbeat Dad of The Molo MP?


There is something about funerals and funeral related events that inspires speakers to tell truths that would normally be kept well hidden.

The latest episode in the truth telling series happened during the funeral of nominated senator, Victor Prengei, when Molo MP, Francis Kuria Kimani decided to reveal the identity of his ‘deadbeat’ dad. In a sudden bout of inspiration, Kuria said that his Bahati counterpart, Kimani Ngunjiri could be his father.

The Molo MP added that the suspected liaison between his mother and the Bahati MP, must have taken place when the MP was attending Michinda Primary School, in Molo. The Molo MP’s mother was in a neighbouring primary school.

Could it be that kids at the time got sexually active at an early age or schools just admitted mature students?

Apparently, this is not the first time the issue is being is being ventilated in public. According to the younger Kimani, it was a hot topic during the 2017 general elections. He however said that whenever the topic of his paternity comes up, his mother feigns anger or avoids the topic altogether.

The Bahati MP has largely been noncommittal on the matter.

After the Molo MP unburdened himself, it was the senior Kimani’s turn to set the record straight.

Known to be a straight shooter – no pun intended – the Bahati MP, when he stood up to speak, caused laughter when he admitted that there could be a high probability that he fathered the Molo MP – isn’t this a dynasty in the making?

Side note: the two legislators belong to the hustler/tanga tanga wing of the Jubilee tower of Babel, who use very uncharitable language on dynasties. Clearly they need to be reminded about the person who throws stones while living in a glass house.

Back to the ‘father and son’ duo. Seeing as the crowd was hanging to his every word, the senior Kimani crowed that he was a serial womanizer in his youthful days and that the younger Kimani’s mother must have been a recipient of his well-leaded ‘friendly fire’. He urged his Molo counterpart to arrangement a meeting, next week, so that they could explore the matter further.

A word of advice to the two waheshimiwas, a DNA test can settle the matter surprising quick. The Bahati MP, who lost a son to Covid-19, need not worry about child upkeep as the Molo MP is a grown up.

The sticky issue might arise when the young man demands some inheritance, especially if he fails to recapture his seat next year.
Either way, let the two need to go for a DNA test first.