Uhuru’s Chopper Deployed for World Rally Championships

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s chopper will be deployed for the World Rally Championships set to be held from June 24 to June 27. 

Mwanahabari.co.ke has learned that one of the event sponsors has already branded the helicopter which will be used to provide logistical support to the rally teams. 

The 5Y MNJ helicopter logistical support is set to cost at least Sh 2.5 million for the four days.

AS350 type of helicopter, registration 5Y-MNJ being branded for the World Rally Championships
AS350 type of helicopter, registration 5Y-MNJ being branded for the World Rally Championships

Its model is an Airbus AS350B which is a single-engine light utility variant of the Eurocopter AS350 helicopter.

One of the advantages of using the specific chopper is that it is known for its high-altitude performance, quick start and switch off capabilities. 

Uhuru’s choppers

Uhuru owns the chopper alongside another 5Y -NMJ which hit the headlines on October 21, 2017, when it crashed into Lake Nakuru killing all its occupants.

Investigations into the crash revealed that the chopper is owned by Kenyatta and operated by Flex Air.

The toxicology report released by CS Macharia revealed that the pilot was intoxicated at the time of the crash.

The helicopter took off at approximately 3.37 am hours and impacted Lake Nakuru after 7 minutes and 38 seconds. 

The accident occurred whilst the helicopter was engaged in a scenic tour of Lake Nakuru National Park. 

The pilot in command lost control of the helicopter after the helicopter pitched up, rolled to the left and lost altitude thereby colliding with the lake.

It took more than 25 days to locate the wreckage of the helicopter and recover three bodies of persons onboard.

The search for two other bodies aboard the helicopter was however unsuccessful even after continued search several days later.

The helicopter wreckage was retrieved from the water and the avionics computers recovered.