Twins Who Both Scored C+ In KCSE Drown in Indian Ocean

Government divers have recovered the bodies of twins who drowned in the Indian Ocean on Monday, May 31 while swimming at Gasi, in Kwale.

The twins, Solomon and Kennedy scored grade C+ in the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and were set to join the university.

“Tulikua nao shambani kama saa tisa wakatoka baada nikaambiwa wamezama baharini na hawakurudi tena (We were at the farm together until around 3pm when they left. I was called moments later with news that my boys had drowned),” the father Samuel Gatindu said.

Rescue efforts took a while since the incident happened late in the evening, prompting the search efforts to drag, bore the bodies were discovered fifteen hours later.

“Tunataka watu wanapokua tembea Bahari waje na mtu anauzoefu na maji Kwa Sababu tumeona hata wavuvi hufa na wao ni magwiji (We want those coming to the beach to tag along experienced swimmers),” Msambweni sub-county administrator Mwanakombo Kilalo said.

Visitors have been advised to be cautious when at the beach.