Shock as Mlolongo Woman Stuffs Underwear in Chang’aa

A woman alleged to be a chang’aa brewer shocked residents of Mlolongo after police found underwear soaked inside a drum of chang’aa inside her house.

Residents and the police who were hunting down illicit brewers in Mlolongo and its surrounding areas were shocked when they stirred the smelly mixture only to find already won women underwear inside the booze.

It is not the first time such shocking paraphernalia have been found soaked in drums of chang’aa.

The residents together with the police and the area chief poured out thousands of liters of the booze and destroyed the jerricans containing the illicit drink.

Meanwhile, the woman said to be the operator of the illicit alcohol covered her face in shame as the officers ransacked her ‘brewery’.

“I am a resident of Mlolongo and this is shocking. Our kids are lost in drinking dens, and cannot even return home because of witchcraft,” Paul Okumu, a resident of Mlolongo told the media.

Another resident said: “This is not good alcohol because of what these people put in the drinks. I drink at this spot, and I am shocked that I have been consuming busaa made using women’s underwear.

“We took steps today to fight illicit drinks like changaa and busaa. Today we found 60 litres of chang’aa and 600 litres of busaa. We want residents to not allow illicit drinks in this area because we have school just at the corner,” The assistant county commissioner Ongaga Denis said:

In 2019, used condoms, sanitary pads and underwear were found inside illicit alcoholic brews after police and residents destroyed more than 3,000 litres in a raid on Majengo slums. The local ‘Nyumba Kumi’ community policing team also took part in the exercise.