Seven Careers Degrees One Can Pursue in 2021

Many Kenyans are wondering what are the best degrees for the future – especially having gone through a grueling experience brought about by the pandemic.

It is not clear how long the pandemic will be part of our lives – but one thing is certain – the Covid-19 pandemic could be around for sometime.

The question many people are asking themselves is what will the most employable degrees end up being – especially with social distancing measures in place and many individuals having to work from home.

According to the Kenya Bureau of Statistics hundreds of thousands of Kenyans have lost their jobs since the pandemic was first reported in Kenya in March 2020. Let’s take a look at some of the degrees that can be recession-proof during this testing time.


Although schools across the country had to close at some point for months – teachers were still needed especially with the explosion of online learning.

Many parents tried their hands at teaching as they looked after their children – and the experience showed just how much invaluable teachers are in society. On thing is true – that no matter how bad the economy fares in the future, children will always need an education, and licensed teachers are the most qualified individuals for the job. It is also important to note that the Teacher’s Service Commission is among employers who never exposed their staff to pay cuts.

The question many people are asking themselves is what will the most employable degrees end up being – especially with social distancing measures in place and many individuals having to work from home. Photo/Courtesy


There have been rising cases of mental health related issues in Kenya. The Ministry of health was even forced to issue a statement on the matter – after cases of suicide and murder hit a crescendo in the middle of the pandemic. As such, most hospitals – and employers have brought on board psychologists and counselors to help those in need.  Once regarded as only necessary for a small percentage of the population, psychological services and counseling services are now important as many are grappling with job losses, domestic violence that would require the services of a psychologist. It is likely we’ll see more career opportunities in this area in the future.


There is no doubt that these professionals are in high demand due to the greater need for medical research at the moment. There has been widespread testing and vaccination for the coronavirus – and these are specialized jobs done by lab and biological technicians. Job opportunities for qualified individuals will likely experience a boom for at least the next decade.

Logisticians/Supply chain manager

It is true that almost everyone wants to move something – somewhere – without themselves moving. This has been prompted by the mandatory closure of businesses and restrictions on travel. Supply of goods and services has been affected and that’s why manufacturers and other business require the services of highly proficient professionals in this area to ensure. This is where you come in as a supply chain manager or logistician.


This job is relatively recession-proof. Keeping good financial records is a necessity for companies, not an option. This is especially true during tax season. Accountants and auditors have highly specialized skill sets, meaning not just anyone can perform their duties. This is something you can pursue.

Software developer

Almost every Kenyans owns are website – or plans to own one. Many others are on the internet day and night trying to come up with something. The many companies have not been left behind as they seek to enhance their footprints on the internet to better their performance and productivity by coming up with new software to serve people best during the pandemic. Software-developers are currently in high demand because of their ability to create web-based applications that solve the problems social distancing has created.