SDA Pastor Who Died After Baptising 52 People Buried

Senior Seventh Day Adventist pastor who died on May 9, just hours after baptizing 52 people on the shores of Lake Victoria, was laid to rest on Wednesday, May 26, 2021.

Pastor Dalmas Odero Onjiko who was attached to the Ranen Conference, in Migori County, served God with utmost dedication until his passing.

Onjiko was buried at his home in Tonye, Kamagambo, Migori county. SDA faithful across the world moaned the pastor as a dedicated Man of God who loved to win souls for Christ.

Migori governor Okoth Obadi and his wife Hellen Obado arrived at Tonye village to condole with the family of Onjiko.

The governor was clad in SDA green and white pathfinders regalia, in commemoration of Onjiko who was a staunch member of the pathfinder’s community.

Moses, one of the people he baptised said the pastor went into the water to baptise those who had given their lives to God, although he wasn’t really feeling well.

“One of the pastors volunteered to conduct the baptism, be he (Onjiko) insisted that he was feeling okay, and was ready to complete the work of God,” said the 23-year-old.

Pastor Onjiko died just hours after arriving from a Week-long Prayer mission at Rabwao SDA Church in Nyatike Constituency, Migori County.

Rabwao Church members who hosted the pastor were left in shock after learning about his sudden death.

“He baptised me on Saturday. I was shocked to hear news of his passing just hours after conducting our baptism,” Moses Okuku who was among those he baptised moments before his death told

The Week of Prayer program – ran from Saturday, May 1, to May 8 – and Pastor Onjiko had been sent to minister to the faithful and help win souls to the Lord.

His fellow pastor Caleb Akoto said that the Man of God had been away for the Week of Prayer – and only returned on Sunday, May 9.

“Pastor Onjiko was away for the week of prayer – and even baptised 52 individuals on Saturday. He came back to Sony Sugar – Awendo – at around 12pm after completing the mission.

“He kept complaining of fatigue, and at 5pm had to be rushed to the Sony Sugar hospital for treatment. The doctors said that he had high pressure – at which point he was treated before being allowed to go back home,” said the pastor.

Adding: “His condition worsened at night… and we lost him. He was a kind hearted man who rejoiced in the service of the Lord,” said Pastor Akoto.

One of the members from Rabwao SDA church told that the late Onjiko had complained of ill health while conducting the weekly prayer.

“At some point during the mission – he invited seven people to help pray for him. He kept soldiering on with the work of the Lord – through the week,” said the member.

“I actually took his phone number because I needed him to help me pray over some personal issues. I am shocked beyond words to hear that he is no more,” said the faithful who did not wish to be named.

Sources said that the pastor had for years battled High Blood Pressure – which unfortunately ended his life.