Police Recover 8 Guns from Judiciary Based officer

Police are hunting for a police officer attached to the Judiciary after an investigation found 8 guns in his house. 

The suspect who lives in Nairobi’s South B area also has a house in Trans Nzoia East sub county where the weapons were found. 

The confiscated guns include one Uzi SMG Rifle, a Smith and Wesson Revolver and six Germany Walther Pistols. 

According to the police report seen by Mwanahabari, all the guns had official police serial numbers. 

Authorities also recovered 197 rounds of 9 mm calibre ammunition, one smoke trouser, a jungle pullover, one Angola jungle shirt,  one modified swagger cane and a colourless liquid in a five litre jerrican. 

The raid which happened shortly after midnight was organised after a tip-off about suspicious activity in the house. 

One suspect escaped on foot leaving the doors open. Police have launched a manhunt for the fugitive as well as the owner of the house. 

“The officer is to be arrested and aligned in court charged with relevant offences. Case: Pending arrest known accused (PAKA),” read the police report.

This comes months after a documentary exposed how rogue police officers hire out their weapons and attire to criminals for a fee. 

However, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations poured water on the Citizen TV feature, accusing the media of tainting the image of the police service.