Police Officer Arrested for Shooting Man Over Woman

A police officer is being held after reportedly shooting and killing a 32-year-old man in Nairobi’s Kitindo area after arguing over a woman.

The incident is said to have happened on Sunday, May 30, inside a butchery – where the body of the deceased was found lying in a pool of blood.

The incident was reported at the Villa police station in Embakasi division and recorded under OB 34/30/5/2021 at 2216hrs.

“Police officers under the command of STAPOL Villa and duty officer visited the scene and found one male adult lying in a butchery bleeding profusely.

“Ambulance was called in which rushed the victim to Mama Lucy hospital but unfortunately passed on before reaching the hospital.

“The victim was identified as Charles Karugu, a Kikuyu male adult aged about 32 yrs. According to the witnesses, the deceased was shot by a police officer known to them when they had an argument with unknown male adult over a love triangle involving a woman.

“The body was moved to city mortuary awaiting autopsy. A police officer no. 118639 PC Titus Kipchirchir Kirui arrested and placed in custody.

“One spent cartridge of 7.62 special recovered and kept as exhibit. Also the rifle issued to him AK 47 S/No 4915754 with 27 rounds of 7.62 special kept as exhibit,” read the report.

The incident comes just days after a police officer shot and killed a guard at a lodging facility in Nairobi’s Embakasi area.

According to the report, the police officer allegedly shot the guard after he woke him up from sleep. The officer is said to have fallen asleep on the sofa – at the hotel’s lobby area.