Obado Suffers Blow in Sharon Murder Case

Sharon Otieno’s murder case is se to continue after High Court declined Migori Governor Okoth Obado’s request to have the case adjourned.

In a letter through his lawyers, Obado had asked the court to postpone the hearing during to the vagaries of Covid-19.

Obado asked the court to adjourn the matter until the directives barring the movement of people in 13 counties are eased.

The governor had argued that he could not travel to Nairobi for the trial because of Covid-19 restrictions that are currently in force in Nyanza region.

Mogori Governor Okoth Obado had argued that he could not travel to Nairobi for the trial because of Covid-19 restriction. Photo/Courtesy

DPP boss Noordin Haji strongly opposed any further adjournment noting thus: “In relation to Obado’s plea we are going to strongly oppose it is evident that the individuals have been involved in many activities that do not support their assertions of COVID-19.”

Rubbishing Obado request

The DPP said the murder trial is at a pivotal stage and has to proceed in the interest of justice, rubbishing Obado’s application made through his attorney Kioko Kilukumi.

“This issue of Obado seeking adjournment has been one of the tactics by most of the defence counsels who see the value in delaying justice and hearings, as ODPP we are going to stamp our authority and argue very passionately against it,” Haji stated.

Sharon Otieno’s family lawyer Daniel Njoroge and the prosecution had opposed the adjournment stating that the matter has not commenced nearly 3 years after the murder of the university student and her unborn child.

42 witnesses to testify

Justice Cecilia Githua has however declined Obado’s request, and instead directed that the matter proceeds on Monday July 12th to 15th. The proceedings will be conducted at a tent outside the Milimani Law Courts, Nairobi.

The court also noted that only the accused persons, their lawyers, prosecutors, lawyers for the victim’s family and Sharon’s immediate relatives would be allowed to attend.

A total of 42 witnesses are expected to testify in the trial of the Migori Governor and his assistant Michael Oyamo and Caspal Obiero, a clerk in Migori County, who were charged with the murder of Sharon Otieno and her unborn baby.

The three suspects denied murdering the 26-year-old Rongo University student on the night of September 3 and 4, 2018, at Owade in Rachuonyo Sub-county, Homa Bay County.