MP Didmus Barasa Arrested, To Be Arraigned

Police have this morning, August 2, arrested the Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmus Barasa for allegedly assaulting a contractor in his constituency.

Barasa slapped the contractor in full glare of the public after he (the contractor) locked up the new classrooms since he had not been paid even a single dime despite finishing the work.

An angry Barasa had arrived at the school to launch the classrooms only to find them locked with padlocks – allegedly by the contractor – something that made the legislator to lose his cool.

Speaking about the incident, Kimilili OCPD Lawrence Marao said: “Yes, he has been arrested. He is expected to be arraigned this morning for plea taking.”

Barasa was arrested at dawn at his Kimilili home for slapping the contractor in public – injuring him.

The first-time legislator will be charged with assault on Monday.

The incident was captured in a video which which went viral in the social media – attracting condemnation across the country.