Magoha Releases KCSE Results – How to Check 2020 Results

The 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) results were released on Monday, May 10, 2021.

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha released the results at the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) offices – ‘Mtihani House’ – in Nairobi.

Magoha said that 893 students scored Grade A, which is higher than the 600 As recorded in 2019.  A total of 143,140 students scored university entry grade C+ and above.

The top candidate is Simiyu Robinson Wanjala from Murang’a High School with an A plain. The second candidate is Wesonga Allan from Agoro Sare (Grade A) and the third student is Sharon Chepng’eno from Kenya High School also with Grade A. The fourth student Muriasi Ong’are is from Alliance High School – also scored Grade A.

The CS while releasing the exams, said that the students had shown exemplary performance in the 2020 examinations despite sitting exams during a pandemic.

Only 287 students had their examinations cancelled, a majority of these had smuggled foreign materials into examination materials.

“Students whose results we are releasing can now join TVEts, colleges and universities. All candidates who will receive their results today have a bright future. We are not going to leave any of the learners behind. The government will support all the learners who sat these exams,” said Magoha.

Magoha added that all colleges and universities have places for all 747,161 students who sat the exams in 2021.

The examinations were done between March and April, 2021, with the marking beginning one week later at various marking centers. The marking exercise took 16 days – and was concluded on May 7, 2021. The entries and other paperwork took just one weekend to complete.

Magoha thanked the examiners and from the Education Ministry and Teachers Service Commission for “working tirelessly”.

More than 750,000 students sat for the KCSE exams that were done under very difficult circumstances brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

President Uhuru Kenyatta earlier on Monday 10, received the results at the State House – which were presented by CS Magoha. Also present were TSC boss Nancy Macharia among other education officials.

According to the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC), candidates can check their KCSE (class of 2020-2021) results by SMS send an SMS with your Index Number Followed by the Initials KCSE to 20076 from Safaricom, Airtel or Telcom – the service will be available immediately.

To check the results for KCPE 2020/21 online, go to the K.N.E.C website and enter your Index number.

The Form One selection is set to begin on May 28 as the Ministry of Education focuses on continuity of a packed academic calendar.