Kakamega: Heartless Thugs Attack 4 Cows, Chop Off Their Legs


A farmer in Kakamega County is counting losses after an unknown man slashed his herd cattle grossly wounding them on Saturday night.

More than four cows were wounded during the raid that happened in Shikungula village of Shinyalu sub-county.

According to Anthony Muyonga, the owner, he was woken up in the middle of the night by the noise coming from his livestock shed.

“I went outside the house out of curiosity, and I saw my cows outside their shed, they had laid down oozing blood,” he said.

“Maybe the culprits intended to steal them but their plan failed to materialize, so they attacked the cows,” he added.

The injured cows had wounds on various parts of their body including the head, back, and legs that made them unable to stand.

The injured cows had wounds on various parts of their body including the head, back, and legs that made them unable to stand. Photo/Mwanahabari.co.ke

The area assistant chief Catherine Nelima said they have launched investigations into the matter.

“We have launched an investigation to identify the perpetrators, it is better to solve your disputes through diplomatic means instead of taking the law into your own hands,” he said.

“I went outside the house out of curiosity, and I saw my cows outside their shed, they had laid down oozing blood.” – Anthony Muyonga

A similar incidence was witnessed a few weeks ago in the Lugari constituency where more than 8 cows were wounded overnight.

The residence condemned the incident pointing a finger at police officers whom they accused of gross negligence which has led to increased cases of crime in the area.

“The officers are fond of harassing changaa breweries, whenever a criminal is caught he will be released under unclear circumstances, we want these officers to be reshuffled,” said Nicholas Lukwa, a resident