Archbishop Musonde Elected New KCCB Chair

The Archbishop of Mombasa Martin Kivuva Musonde has been elected the chairman of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB).

The announcement was made on Thursday, May 27, 2021 by KCCB. Musonye was elected during the ongoing conference at the Village of Mary Subukia Shrine in Nakuru County.

Archbishop Kivuva takes over from Kisumu’s Archbishop Philip Anyolo whose two terms have now expired.

Kivuva was appointed the Catholic bishop of Machakos in March 15, 2003 and ordained in June 3, 2003.
Pope Francis elevated Bishop Kivuva from the Diocese of Machakos to head the Archdiocese of Mombasa on Tuesday December 9, 2014.

Elected Vice Chair is Bishop Maurice Makumba Muhatia of Nakuru Diocese taking over from Bishop Obala Owaa of Ngong Diocese.  The new leadership will be in office for a period of three years when the Catholic Bishops will meet again to elect new office bearers.

The bishops addressed among other issues the Covid-19 pandemic and health emergency.  The bishops conveyed their condolences to families that had lost their loved ones to the pandemic.

Also addressed were the proposed changes to the Constitution and the 2022 General Elections, besides the restructuring of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and strengthening of the judiciary.

Other issues that the Bishops wanted addressed included the insecurity situation in Baringo and other parts of the country, violence, food insecurity and raging floods that have affected various parts of the country.