Breastfeeding Mother ‘killed’ by lover, body locked up with kids


A man is on the run after reportedly killing his lover on Monday night, August 30,  before locking up her body in the house with her children.

The body of 33-year-old Martha Waithera was discovered in her house the following day on Tuesday, August 31 at her Lakeview estate home in Nakuru County.

Police in Nakuru are now pursuing her alleged lover Moses Leparani, 35, in connection with the killing.

“Waithera and her two sons aged seven and four months were locked in the house from outside. We found her body, which had visible injuries, lying on her blood-soaked bed,” stated Nakuru East Deputy County Police Commissioner Eric Wanyonyi.

Waithera’s cousin Margaret Nyambura they were alarmed by cries from the ten-year-old minor at around 8 am – prompting them to rush to the deceased house only to find the door locked from outside.

“The minor woke up late and went to her mother’s bedroom to find out why she had not woken him up early for school. He found his mother dead and his younger brother in a separate bed,” Nyambura said.

Witnesses told the police that Waithera’s lover Leparani had been seen entering her house on Monday night.

According to the neighbours, the two lovers  appeared to be a happy couple – noting that they had never heard them fighting.

Police are treating the lover as a suspect noting that his disappearance could be an indication he was involved in the murder.

“He should have reported the incident to the police, if it was a normal death instead of disappearing,” the Deputy Commander said.

Waithera’s body was moved to Nakuru Municipality mortuary awaiting autopsy.