Atwoli, Ahmednasir in Heated Twitter bust-up

The Central Organization of Trade Unions, Kenya, COTU (K), Secretary General Francis Atwoli and City lawyer Ahmednasir Abdulalahi on Friday, May 28, accused each other of being corrupt in a vicious Twitter war.

Atwoli accused Ahmednasir of midwifing corruption and impunity, adding that part of the problem facing the country is because of lawyers like him.

“Majority of the problems Kenya is facing is because of lawyers like Ahmednasir who midwife corruption and impunity,” said Atwoli.

He said the lawyer dislikes him because he [Atwoli] stopped him from accessing illegal pay at National Banking of Kenya (NBK) in a deal he claims could have seen workers lose millions of shillings.

“My troubles with Ahmednasir began when I stopped him from accessing illegal pay at NBK. I will always defend workers. I can’t do deals with swindlers,” he added.

Ahmednasir called for the removal of Atwoli from his COTU position over what he described as unexplained wealth and assets.

“The removal from office and prosecution for unexplained wealth and assets of Atwoli must be a top priority for any government that comes to power in August 2022.”

Atwoli, however, said unlike the lawyer, he was an honest man who worked hard for his assets and was engaging in corrupt dealings.

“My record speaks for itself. Unlike you, I am a very honest man, I work hard, I never engage in corrupt dealings, I speak my mind and I am not a billionaire (like you),” said the COTU boss.

Sent wrong signal to suffering workers

Trouble started after Ahmednasir in an earlier tweet castigated the Nairobi County government for naming a street after the trade unionist, saying it sent a wrong signal to suffering workers.

He accused Atwoli of having abandoned workers to languish in poverty as he dined with the high and mighty at the expense of the so-called workers.
Atwoli also dismissed as fake reports that the sign post that was erected on Thursday had been removed.
Atwoli honoured
Nairobi County Government on Thursday renamed Mandera Road in Kileleshwa after Atwoli to honour the veteran unionist for his efforts in agitating for workers’ rights.

“This road has been renamed after my good friend and brother bwana Francis Atwoli in recognition of his selfless contribution and agitating for the rights of Kenyan workers in the last 54 years,” said Deputy Governor Anne Kananu.

Atwoli thanked Kananu’s leadership for recognising his role in the trade movement and further reaffirmed his commitment to addressing the plight of Kenyan workers.

“I want to thank the leadership of Nairobi under Anne Kananu, for this great honour and recognition of services to the Government of the day, the community and workers at large. We will continue offering our unwavering support to the leadership of the county,” he stated.

Atwoli has now joined the list of other prominent Kenyans such as Kenneth Matiba who had Accra Road renamed after him in March 2021, Garissa Senator Yussuf Haji who had Eastleigh’s First Avenue renamed after him; the late football legend Joe Kadenge who had Kapiti Crescent Road renamed after him by the county Assembly earlier this year.