I Met Her in Form 2, Kalonzo Musyoka Opens Up About Sick Wife


Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has for the first time opened up about his ailing wife – Pauline Musyoka – adding that he misses her every minute.

Pauline, a career banker who works with Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) – and who is currently admitted at a hospital in Germany, has been ailing for sometime – with reports indicating that she has had to shuttle between home and abroad as she seeks treatment.

There is no doubt that these are very difficult times for the Musyokas – going by Kalonzo’s sentiments.

Speaking to Citizen recently, Kalonzo said: “Mama is stable and we thank God. We continue to pray for a miracle.”

“She is a mobilizer, I miss that. I was sharing with you how before 2013 Governor Kiraitu Murungi came to my house and said ‘mama ametuweza; that was before I teamed up with Raila and then we lost everything in Meru.”

“She always follows and that is why at the delegates conference some two family members were there with me and we keep on praying,” Musyoka added.

Kalonzo said: “Huyu mke wangu Pauline tulijuana na yeye akiwa Form 2 na mimi nikiwa Form 5. This was about 1972, Yeye alikuwa Mlango Girls. Alikuwa Secretary ya Kamati ya Wakristo. Na mimi nilipokuwa Meru school tukakutana katika Christians Conference, Mama Maridadi, beautiful, tall and smart. Then after that nikaona a beautiful wife is a gift from God.”

The Wiper leader has for the best part of his political life kept the wife’s condition away from the public eyes.

He noted that Pauline is recuperating at a hospital, and is showing very good signs of improvement.

Kalonzo said that the ailment had robbed him of a companion and mobilizer who was an important cog in his political career.

“She knows I must continue fighting; in fighting on, I believe I am also assisting in her recovery,” said Kalonzo who is one of the principles in the One Kenya Alliance (OKA).