All Rift Valley Matatus With LCD Screens Receive New Directive


The more than 10,000 public service vehicles operating in the North Rift region fitted with LCD screens have been directed to register with the Kenya Film Classification Board within seven days.

The state agency has warned that failure to comply with the order upon the expiry of the seven day deadline, a major crackdown will be launched against the affected matatu operators in the region.

Speaking to the media in his Eldoret office today, the KFCB North Rift regional manager Emmanuel Mbutu said the targeted matatus will not be allowed to operate their business on the said routes until they comply as directed.

Matatu operators are to ensure that the content they exhibit is suitable for general exhibition and not showcase nudity or obscenity. Photo/Courtesy

He said the state agency will carry out the crackdown against the rogue matatu operators in collaboration with the police officers and regional governments enforcement officers.

Mbutu explained that they have been prompted to move into action following complaints received from members of the public on exhibition and playing of content that borders on pornography and foul language.

The most notorious routes

“All public service vehicles across the region fitted with screens are considered film exhibitors and should therefore register with the board at sh 2,000 per year. The operators should also ensure that the content they exhibit is suitable for general exhibition and not showcase nudity or obscenity especially to school going children,” said Mbutu.

According to Mbutu, the most notorious routes are Langas, Chepkoilel, Mti Moja, Maili Nne in Eldoret town and its environs.

The operation, Mbutu clarified, is not meant to punish PSV operators but is only geared towards creating awareness on clean content and protecting children against exposure to harmful content in the vehicles.

Five years jail term

Mbutu said that conductors, drivers and Sacco managers will be liable to a jail term of 5 years or a fine of sh 100,000 or both if found in violation.

“We appeal to members of the public to report any violation by providing, number plate, route and Sacco of the vehicle involved and will take immediate action,” he said.