93 Kenyan Workers have died in Middle East

Labour Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui told Parliament that 93 Kenyans working in the Middle East have died in the past three years.

It also emerged that the Ministry had since January 2019 facilitated the employment of over 87,784 Kenyans in the Middle East.

The CS said the deaths of the Kenyans occurred mostly in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arabs Emirates (UAE).

“We had 93 cases of death, particularly from the Gulf region. When these deaths occur, we occasionally have no view at the airport when the bodies arrive.

“We are following up with the Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior to know who the victims are and where they came from in the country,” he told MPs.

Mr Chelugui had appeared before the Labour Committee to explain the circumstances that led to the death of Melvin Kang’ereha in Saudi Arabia in 2020.

“Since 2019 the ministry has received reports of 93 deaths of Kenyan migrant workers in the Gulf Region.

What causes the deaths

“A majority of the cases are reported to have been caused by natural death such cardiac arrest, Covid-19, cancer, childbirth, respiratory complication, tuberculosis and meningitis. Other causes include accidents and suicide,” he said.

Nominated MP Godfrey Otsotsi said he had a video evidence showing Melvin Kang’ereha pleading with her employer and United Manpower Services Limited to return her to Kenya. He however, could not table the evidence, but promised to do so soon.

He said: “I have video and audio recordings that would proof that this woman did not die of natural causes. There is a Philippine witness and the case is being pursued in Saudi Arabia by human rights groups. I find the answers unsatisfactory,” Mr Otsotsi said.

Transferred to different employer

Otsotsi said: “United Manpower Services instead transferred the young woman to another employer who mistreated and tortured her leading to her imprisonment. Apart from relying on third party information from Saudi authorities, what have you done to do proper investigations?”

He demanded to know the action the Ministry has taken to compel United Manpower Services to compensate the family.