Places You Are Likely to Lose Your Child

There has been a rise in the number of cases of kidnappings involving children in estates across Nairobi.

About 30 cases of missing children are reported every day in Kenya as parents struggle with the fact that their children can disappear without a trace at any moment.

Many parents are now living in fear – as they have no idea who will be the next victim. takes a look at some of the places you are likely to lose your child, and what one should do to avoid falling a victim.

Places of worship

Kenya is a highly pious nation with a bigger percentage of the people being either Christians, Muslims or belong to another form of religion.

It is not therefore uncommon to find parents tagging along their children to their favourite places of worship on a Friday, Sunday or Saturday.

Sadly, many parents have lost their children at their places of worship. Kidnappers like crowded places – and a church is a fertile ground for these criminals. As such, parents are advised to be on the lookout and always make sure they are checking on the kids whenever they are playing outside even as they listen to preaching.

Estate playgrounds

Most children in Nairobi are stolen while outside playing. Kidnappers are known to lure children with small gifts like sweets. Anne recounted to an incident that left her trembling in fear.

“My daughter was out playing with other children when someone, a lady, approached her and lied that I had asked that she be brought to me at my stall. Luckily, a neighbour who was near them became concerned and raised alarm. The woman left in a huff after she was asked to identify herself,” Anne said.

Parents have been asked to caution their children against talking to strangers, accepting gifts from people they don’t know or getting into strangers’ houses and cars.

Bus stops

This is the most notorious place one is likely to lose a child. As a parent you find that your luggage and your young children are competing for your attention. That’s when you will find people, strangers, offering to help. Do not hand your children to strangers to hold as you sort your luggage or whatever it is you want to sort. Most of the passengers you see flocking bus stops are criminals looking for the right moment to strike. If you have children and you are traveling, your primary focus should be your children’s safety.


This is not very common, but it can happen – and it has happened. There have been cases where a kidnapper walks into a daycare and asks for a child on the pretext that they have been sent by the parent.

To avoid such cases, make sure you leave your phone number with the daycare – ask them to always confirm with you whenever someone else other than yourself come for the child. Also, make regular calls to the daycare just to find out how your child is doing every so often… Remember that people who know you, and have probably studied your movements, are likely to try this.

Supermarkets/open markets

Supermarkets are often crowded – and therefore provide very good ground for criminals looking to steal children.

It is very easy to lose your child in the cocktail of rows of goods and shoppers. Parents often tend to lose focus as they sample goods and engage sellers and attendants in lengthy bargains.

Remembers that children naturally love nice things, and are definitely going to stray to that shelf to checkout a toy. Just remember that a kidnapper could be in the same vicinity just waiting to pounce.

What you should do

In the unfortunate event that your child goes missing, one is advised to try and remain calm as little details are going to be important. Make sure you have a recent picture of the child. Be in a position to describe the child physically, as well as what they were dressed in when they went missing. Report the matter to the police as soon as possible.