Makau Mutua Makes Shocking Prediction on Ruto

Law professor Makau Mutua has made quite an interesting prediction on Deputy President William Ruto’s presidency.

Mutua, a SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School , and the chair of KHRC, argued in his Sunday Nation column that his crystal ball tells him that there’s a very good chance DP William Ruto, the man who escaped the gallows of the International Criminal Court by a whisker, could become the fifth president of the Republic of Kenya.

He says – and which is quite understandable given his disdain for Ruto – that this isn’t a prognosis he makes with the warm cockles of his heart.

He says: “I go wherever facts lead me. Mr Ruto is surging while his opponents – declared and would-be – are in a state of lethargy and catatonic schizophrenia. They’ve become the proverbial watermelons. That’s why I predict today that on election day 2022, Mr Ruto will capture the State House hands down and early. He wants it more than the others.”

Deputy President William Ruto is looking to take over the reigns from President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022 in a race that has attracted many contenders. Photo/Courtesy

According to Mutua, today, as matters stand, Ruto is in the so-called pole position, and is the man to beat.

“I call them as I see them. Next year, the “capital” of Kenya might be Sugoi. Get your popcorn,” he argues.

Such arguments coming from Makau has no doubt shocked many Kenyans given the views he has always held about Jubilee, Ruto and President Uhuru Kenyatta.

His views about Ruto aren’t a secret.

“I believe the man is singularly unqualified for any public office, let alone the pinnacle of power. However, I have only a single vote. That’s why Mr Ruto might easily jog to State House if he bamboozles enough of my compatriots to vote for him,” says Makau in his column.

Veiled attack

Makau went on to describe Ruto as a man who has never seen a progressive or liberal idea he didn’t disdain, or oppose with his greatest sin, according to Makau being that he led a crusade against the 2010 Constitution, but which has benefited him… and now many see him as the greatest defender of the constitution, a document he fought tooth and nail to kill.

Makau throws a veiled attack on Ruto’s opponents, the likes of Nasa or One-Kenya Alliance who continue to dither, wobble or remain comatose while the son of Sugoi continues to march on… he could just be the man to beat.