Benjamin Ayimba’s baby mamas locked out funeral plans

Actress Nyaboke Moraa’s name and those of her two sons were conspicuously missing from Benjamin Ayimba’s obituary that was published in the local dailies on Tuesday, May 24.

The former Kenya rugby coach died last Friday after a long struggle with cerebral malaria. The late Ayimba reportedly had two kids with Moraa who has continued to mourn her former lover online, even though it is now emerging that she has been locked out of the ongoing funeral plans by Ayimba’s family.

“They are trying to block me from the funeral programme. I don’t even know when he will be buried,” Mora told on the phone.

Ayimba had four mistresses and seven children, but only four (kids) have been recognized in the obituary that was published in the dailies.

Only Caroline Waswa, her first wife with whom they separated several years ago, has been recognized by the family.

Ayimba’s second wife, Frabrica Awuor, has also been left out of the programme.

Awuor has an ongoing court case where she was seeking over Ksh400, 000 a month from Ayimba for child support. Moraa too had filed a similar case in the Children’s court.

The obituary read in part: “It is with humble acceptance that we, the Ayimba family, announce the death of our beloved brother Benjamin Ayimba.

“A celebrated Kenyan rugby international during his playing days and a successful national team coach afterwards, Benjamin was the son of Joachim Ayimba, Esther Akinyi and the late mama Benter Ayimba. Husband of Caroline Waswa and dedicated father to Brian, Gabriel, Keenan and Eli Benjamin.”

With the two mistresses and their children all kept out of the funeral programme, it remains to be seen whether they will be allowed to attend the burial that is expected to be held in Alego, Siaya County.

Ayimba who died at the Kenyatta National Hospital left behind Ksh1.7 million in hospital bills according to family spokesperson Joseph Ayimba.

“As at now, the Avenue Hospital bill stands at Sh1.6 million while that of KNA is Sh1.7 million. There are enough funds in the paybill that will be used to settle the Avenue bill. As such, we are working toward raising the KNA (bill) and funeral related expenses,” added Joseph.