The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has released the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) timetable.
The examinations will begin with rehearsals on Friday, February 25, 2022. The candidates will be taken through the relevant guidelines and instructions about the examinations.
The candidates will sit for their first papers; French, German, Arabic orals and Kenyan sign language between Monday, February 28, 2022, and Friday, March 4 2022.
On March 14, 2022 the students will sit for their English functional skills while English comprehension, literary appreciation and grammar will be tackled in the mid-morning session.

On Tuesday, March 15, will see them sit for Mathematics Paper One and English Paper Two.
English Paper Three, Chemistry Paper Two and General Science Paper One will be done on March 16, followed by Kiswahili Papers One and Two on Thursday, March 17. Friday, March 18 will see students sit for Chemistry.
Other exams and their scheduled dates
March 21, 2022: Mathematics Paper Two and Biology Paper One on March 21.
March 22, 2022: CRE, Hindu and Islamic Religious Education, and Kiswahili Paper Three
March 23, 2022: Biology Paper Two, History and Government Paper One
March 24, 2022: Religious papers and History Paper Two
March 25, 2022: Biology Practicals
March 28, 2022: Physics Paper One, General Science Paper and Geography Paper One
March 29, 2022: Agriculture and Business Paper One
March 30, 2022: Physics and Geography Paper Two
March 31, 2022: Business Paper Two and Agriculture Paper Two
The last day of the 2021 KCSE will be on Friday, April 1, 2022, when candidates will sit for Physics Paper Three Practical.